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No show business without business!

Length of Contract

4-5 months

Season in all Cities

Only winter season

Start of Season

Beginning/middle of November

End of Season

End of February or beginning/middle of March

Number of Shows

Average of 5-6 shows per week, one show per day


10 days to 2 weeks, unpaid, starting middle/end of October

While working for PALAZZO:


and travel is provided by PALAZZO, unless the artist lives in the respective PALAZZO city – also subject to negotiations.

Touring shows

Renewal of contract is possible and likely. Usually shows tour through the PALAZZO cities in the subsequent seasons (years).

As Freelancer

the artist is responsible to pay his/her own taxes, health insurance (mandatory) and other insurances like accident insurance etc.

Foreign artists

In case of a deduction in context with foreigners / deduction tax, those can be taken into consideration when annual taxes are declared, as most countries have double tax agreements with Germany/Austria.

While working for PALAZZO:


and travel is provided by PALAZZO, unless the artist lives in the respective PALAZZO city – also subject to negotiations.

Touring shows

Renewal of contract is possible and likely. Usually shows tour through the PALAZZO cities in the subsequent seasons (years).

As Freelancer

the artist is responsible to pay his/her own taxes, health insurance (mandatory) and other insurances like accident insurance etc.

Foreign artists

In case of a deduction in context with foreigners / deduction tax, those can be taken into consideration when annual taxes are declared, as most countries have double tax agreements with Germany/Austria.