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PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH 
Große Elbstraße 277a 
22767 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 - 853 88 730 
Fax: +49 40 - 853 88 747 

Register and registration number: 
Company form: GmbH, based in Hamburg 
Register: District Court Hamburg 
Registration number: HRB 90841 
Management: Folkert Koopmans, Michaela Töpfer 
Sales tax identification number: DE 235324962

Content of the web presence

PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH does not take over warranty for up-to-dateness, correctness, completeness quality of the provided information. Claims for damages against PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH due to damaging events, which are caused by the use or disuse of the provided incorrect and/or incomplete information of PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH, are rejected, unless, in individual cases, there is not a culpable breach of duty caused by PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH, which has caused an injury of life, body or health.

All content is subject to confirmation and for information only and without responsibility. PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH reserves its right, to modify, extend or delete parts of pages or all content without separate announcement.

Referrals and links

A obligation of liability would only be effective, if direct or indirect references to other internet pages ("Links"), which are outside the area of responsibility PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH, and PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH is aware of the contents and it would be technically possible and reasonable to prevent the use of illegal content. PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH expressly declares, that at the time of setting the links to the respective linked pages, the content of these pages were free of illegal content. PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH has no influence on the current and future design, the content or the creatorship of the linked pages. Thus, PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH expressly distances itself from all contents of linked pages, that have been changed after setting the links. This statement applies to all links within the own web presence and for the external entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists created by PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH. Liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and especially for damages, that result from use or disuse of such a kind of provided information, is only the provider of the page, that was referenced.


In all publications PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH strives to consider the copyright of the used pictures, audio recordings, video sequences and texts, to use self-made pictures, audio documents video sequences and texts or to use public domain pictures, audio documents video sequences and texts. All trademarks or brands trademarked by third parties that are mentioned in this web presence are subject to the rules of the respective valid copyrights and ownership rights of the respective registered owners. On the basis of mentioning the names alone, one should not draw the conclusion, that trademarks are not protected by rights of third parties!

The copyright for  released pages by PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH is reserved only by PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH. Any duplications or usage of such pictures, audio recordings, video sequences and Text in other electronic or printed publications is not allowed without explicit consent of PALAZZO Produktionen GmbH.

Final provisions

  1. The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS platform), which is available at You can also find our e-mail adress in our imprint; it is:
  2. We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in the dispute settlement procedure of the European Union before the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act Consumer Advice Bureau.